Harriet Henry

20th Aug 2020

“I approached Chris at Nxtep because I had been feeling like my fitness had really decreased and so had my confidence as a result. He was recommended by two different people because of his approachable nature and effectiveness.

Before I started with Chris I had a very vague idea about my ‘fitness goals’. I had had very mixed results with different gym memberships and often found myself disappointed with this. Chris really helped shape and define not only my bingo wings, but also the idea I had in my head of how I wanted to look and feel.

I started my training back in February, during the start of what would become the COVID-19 pandemic. Any initial concerns I had were immediately assuaged by Chris’s professional and proactive responses to government guidelines. All equipment was sanitised and disinfected before and after using and clear social distancing was followed. As lockdown intensified, Chris continued his dedicated services via video-link. The quality and quantity of these sessions never wavered and I still felt like I was receiving the same caliber of training I had been promised – albeit no two sessions were ever the same, which really helped keep me to motivated and interested.

I feel better than I ever thought possible and as an added bonus, people have even commented on how noticeably better I look.

A huge positive with Chris is that he isn’t only training your body, he is training your mind to automatically make better decisions about what you eat through dedicated coaching and meal planning. I find I approach each session with the more and more enthusiasm and am even enjoying the sessions I complete without him.”

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